Thursday, January 08, 2004

I only created this blog thing about a month ago and i'm already delinquent in writing. oh well...that's how these things go. but i was happy to see that some people are interested in what i might have to say, even if it is limited as of now. but i'm back in LA so hopefully more interesting things will be going on than in texas.

i have a job interview today. only here will you interview for an unpaid job...not even an internship. a normal, camera assistant job with people who are too cheap to actually pay their crew. even for gas or something. it drives me crazy knowing that there are so many people who are trying to make their living by working in film production and most of the independent world is no budget. my favorite is when on job posting boards they say in the job description that they want people who won't complain about the lack of pay, for working for them for free. you don't have to be a bastard about it right off the back. be grateful for free labor, for people who want to create careers for themselves and want to pursue a dream. be almost sheepish about not being able to pay someone. appologize for the lack of money. but don't be an arrogant monkey about it.

other than that it's the normal jive of things. making calls to people who probably won't return them. being told there is nothing right now but keep calling because there might be something in the future. i wish there was an easy way to work out here but there's not. it's part of the territory and i guess everyone has to pay their dues. but i'm not going to mince words and not say that it sucks. because it does.


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